In celebration of the 23rd Anniversary of the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue and to highlight the continuous role of the centre to bring about dialogue among civilisations and cultures in this region and beyond, this international conference is held in recognition of cultural diversity and its dynamics. This conference is our way of recognizing the crucial importance of respect and mutual understanding in harmonising cultural diversity and ensuring sustainable coexistence of cultures for social cohesion and peace. Hence, we would like to invite interested researchers, scholars and individuals to participate in and share your valuable experiences at the conferences. ‘Youth Role in Managing Cultural Diversity: Towards Sustainability’ is our selected theme for this conference and paper submissions are welcome on the following sub-themes, but are not limited to the topics listed under each sub-theme: |
Topic Covered: Social Sciences Archaeology , Arts , Biodiversity , Children and Youth , Creativity , Culture , Design , E-learning , Environment ,Gender studies , Globalization , History , Human Rights , Information Technology , Internet and World Wide Web , Islamic Studies , Language ,Liberal Arts education , Linguistics , Literacy Perspectives , Literature , Multiculturalism , Museums and heritage , Music , Poetry , Poverty ,Racial Issues , Religious studies , Social Sciences , Sustainable development , Teaching and Learning , Tourism , Urban studies , For Custom Banner please send mail |
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apam (10 juillet 2019). Appel à communication : International Conference on Civilisational Dialogue 2019, 15-16 août 2019, Kuala Lampur, Malaisie. APAMi. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse