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Appel à contribution : YILLIK, Annual of Istanbul Studies No. 8

Annual of Istanbul Studies, which has been published by the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Istanbul Research Institute since 2012, featuring many valuable articles by distinguished writers over the course of 7 issues, is being relaunched with its new title, YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies.

Our publication which presents current research articles dealing with civilizations that existed in the city, written, oral and material cultures, the changing historical and human geographies of the city, traces of human and non-human actors, from the prehistoric era until today will be transformed into a double blind peer-reviewed journal to appear in national and international scientific publication indices. Thus, we are aiming to incorporate a larger variety of content in YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies and to increase its recognition. We believe that working with a larger advisory board from various disciplines will also have a positive impact on the development, increase, and institutionalization of Istanbul-related study fields. Starting from the eighth issue, which is due to appear at the end of 2019, the journal will publish double blind peer-reviewed individual articles as well as special section articles, essays (Meclis), book and exhibition reviews, and a regularly updated Istanbul bibliography.

YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies will be open access through online platforms, as it will also continue to be published in its print form.

YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies is accepting submissions of original articles, book and exhibition reviews in Turkish or English by researchers working on any period of the city through the lens of history, history of art and architecture, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, geography, urban planning, urban studies, and other related fields.

Articles submitted for publication in the journal will first be evaluated by the editors of the journal, or by the editors of that specific issue. Articles deemed suitable by editors in terms of subject matter and quality will be sent anonymously to two separate reviewers elected among the Advisory Board in accordance with their expertise, or again designated by the Advisory Board. Reports from the double blind reviewers will be combined with the comments of the editors and sent back to the author. Depending on their quality and relevance, articles may be accepted or rejected, or the author may be asked to revise the work.

The review process is mandatory for research articles, while book reviews and essays will only require editorial evaluation. The editors of the YILLIK pledge to complete the submission processes as quickly and as constructively as possible. Our aim is to limit the duration of the evaluation process, from the submission to the journal to the forwarding of reviewer reports to the author, to 6 weeks.

Among articles sent for publication in YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies by doctoral students or researchers who have defended their doctoral theses within the last 5 years, one article will be awarded the YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies Early Career Article Prize. The winning article will be awarded a 3.000 TL prize, as well as a 5-year subscription to the print version of YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies.

Articles, essays, and book reviews for the eighth issue of YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies, which will appear in December 2019, should be sent to by August 4, 2019. Those who wish to submit a book review are strongly recommended to ask for the opinion of the Editorial Board in order to avoid duplicate reviews.

Before submitting your article, please refer to our submission and publishing style guide. 

For submission and questions:


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apam (11 juillet 2019). Appel à contribution : YILLIK, Annual of Istanbul Studies No. 8. APAMi. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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