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Appel à contribution : International Journal of Islamic Architecture — no deadline

Since 2012, the International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) has published, on a  bi-annual basis, peer-reviewed articles on the urban design and planning, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world – encompassing  the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia – but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on detailed analysis of the practical, historical, and theoretical aspects of architecture, with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal also aims to encourage dialogue and discussion between practitioners and scholars, and articles that bridge the academic-practitioner divide are highly encouraged.

The journal is specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines, IJIA seeks to analyze and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered.

IJIA is now soliciting manuscripts in the following categories:

1. Design in Theory (DiT) manuscripts focus on the history, theory, and critical analysis of architecture, urban planning, design, and landscape architecture. Essays submitted should be a minimum of 5,000 words but no more than 8,000 words, including endnotes.

2. Design in Practice (DiP) manuscripts focus on the practice of architecture, planning and landscape design as well as pedagogy. It is preferential that DiP papers address contextual and/or conceptual issues, analysis or critique of proposals, design and construction processes or built projects. Submissions may also include practitioner reflections on lessons learned but should avoid purely descriptive content. Manuscripts should range from 3,500 to 5,000 words, including endnotes.

All submissions must be formatted according to the Notes for Contributors, available at:

Submissions will be subject to double-bling peer review. All information identifying the author(s) must be removed from the text and endnotes.

Please include a title page with the following information with any manuscript submission:

  • concise and informative title
  • The full names and affiliations of all authors; a bio on each author (max. 100 words per bio)
  • The full postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author(s)
  • abstract of max. 200 words
  • six keywords or two-word phrases defining the article
  • word count for the full text, including endnotes
  • low-resolution images in a Word file
  • list of image credits and figure captions

Email the editors at to submit a manuscript or with any additional questions.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
apam (11 juillet 2019). Appel à contribution : International Journal of Islamic Architecture — no deadline. APAMi. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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