![]() “THE TARIKH AL-FATTASH AND THE MAKING OF THE CALIPHATE OF HAMDALLAHI” Mauro Nobili, University of Illinois Wednesday, October 28th, 12:30pm [Online] Silsila Fall 2020 Lecture Series, Islam in Africa: Material Histories |
The mausoleum of Aḥmad Lobbo, Nūḥ b. al-Ṭāhir, and Aḥmad II, in Ḥamdallāhi (Copyright Alfa Mamadou Diallo Lélouma)Contrary to what is commonly believed, the Tārīkh al-fattāsh, one of the most famous sources for pre-colonial African history, is a nineteenth-century chronicle. The talk analyses the chronicle in the landscape of nineteenth century Islamic West Africa as a political project in legitimization of the Caliphate of Ḥamdallāhi (1818-1862).
Mauro Nobili is a historian of pre-colonial and early-colonial West Africa. He has conducted research in several collections of Arabic manuscripts from West Africa and published on West African chronicles, Arabic calligraphies, and Islam in Africa. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards, including a National Endowment for Humanities grant.
Date: Wednesday, October 28th
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Location: Online
This event will take place as a live Webinar at 12:30pm ET (New York time).
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Only registered attendees will be able to access this event.Silsila: Center for Material Histories is an NYU center dedicated to material histories of the Islamicate world.
Each semester we hold a thematic series of lectures and workshops, which are open to the public. Details of the Center can be found at: http://as.nyu.edu/content/nyu-as/as/research-centers/silsila.html
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apam (21 octobre 2020). Cours – Mauro Nobili “The Tarikh Al-Fattash and the Making of the Caliphate of Hamdallahi”, 28 oct. 2020. APAMi. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b9df