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Call for submissions – Muqarnas 39 (2022), date limite : 1er mars 2021

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "muqarnas journal"

Muqarnas is a scholarly journal that publishes articles on art, architectural history, and archaeology, as well as all aspects of Islamic visual and material cultures, historical and contemporary. Full-length articles are accompanied by shorter submissions grouped under a separate section titled “Notes and Sources,” for which we particularly welcome studies that introduce textual and visual primary sources.

Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2021.

Manuscripts should be submitted by email to the Managing Editor of Muqarnas at

A complete submission includes five elements:

  1. Microsoft Word document of the main text file. Submissions should be double-spaced throughout in 12-point typeface. Use endnotes rather than footnotes; no bibliography is required. Articles should be no longer than 50 pages (not including endnotes).
  2. Images. All submissions must be accompanied by images, with an upper limit of approximately 30. Low-resolution images are acceptable for initial consideration, with the expectation that authors will provide high-resolution TIFFs or JPEGs (at least 300 dpi at 4 x 6 inches) and secure all necessary permissions if the article is accepted for publication.
  3. Captions file. Each image should be clearly labeled and have a corresponding caption that provides identifying information and appropriate image credits.
  4. Abstract and keywords. Submit a 150- to 200-word abstract and 12 keywords for publication in the online version of the journal.
  5. CV, stating the author’s institutional affiliation (if any), mailing address, phone number, as well as academic status and a list of publications.  

Any submission that does not include these five elements will be returned to the author, as will articles that do not conform to the Muqarnas style sheet.

Articles must present original research that has not been published in any language previously. Authors must properly credit previous scholarship on the subject and cite the source of each quotation, with full bibliographic details given in the endnotes (no additional bibliography is required).

All articles are subject to review by the Editorial Committee and anonymous external readers, whose comments will be sent to the author only if the article is accepted for publication. Authors may be expected to make revisions based on the feedback of the readers and editors.

Muqarnas follows the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. For further specifications on preparing text and images for publication, see the Muqarnas style sheet (available to download from our website: Info: 

Managing Editor, Muqarnas

History of Art and Architecture Department, Harvard University

485 Broadway, Office 411

Cambridge, MA 02138  USA

Phone: 617-495-3774

E-mail: muqarnas@fas.harvard.eduRelated date: March 1, 2021

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
apam (21 février 2021). Call for submissions – Muqarnas 39 (2022), date limite : 1er mars 2021. APAMi. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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