Reference number 111/2023
PhD Position Religion in Turkey/Alevi Studies (50% E13 TV-L)
Founded in 1409, Leipzig University is one of Germany’s largest universities and a leader in research and medical training. With around 30,000 students and more than 5000 members of staff across 14 faculties, it is at the heart of the vibrant and outward-looking city of Leipzig. Leipzig University offers an innovative and international working environment as well as an exciting range of career opportunities in research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer, infrastructure and administration.
The position, offered from July 1, 2023, is tied to the Professorship in Modern Turkish Studies at the Institute for the Study of Religion, the Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies.
We are looking for a doctoral student with a dissertation project on religion in Turkey, preferably with a historical/cultural studies approach and on a topic related to the field of Alevi Studies. Admission to the Leipzig Graduate School Global and Area Studies is possible.
About the position
• Fixed term until June 30, 2026
• Part-time (50%) employment contract
• Pay level E13 TV-L
• further academic qualification (dissertation)
• successfully completed university degree (Diploma, MA or equivalent) in the Study of Religion or related fields (e.g. Islamic Studies, Turkology, Anthropology)
What we offer
• modern workplace and attractive working conditions (mobile working)
• flexible working hours and work-life balance
• goal-oriented staff development through your working life, with opportunities for continuing
professional development
• pension plan
• commuter pass for the MDV network
Please email your application (including cover letter, short project description, CV, abstract of the MA thesis, bachelor and master diploma) as a single file named SURNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf to by April 15, 2023. Please note that it is not possible to guarantee confidentiality and rule out unauthorised access by third parties when communicating by unencrypted email. The documents can also be mailed to the following address:
Prof. Dr. Markus Dreßler, Leipzig University, Institute for the Study of Religion, Schillerstr. 6, 04109 Leipzig.
We kindly request that you submit copies only, as we are unable to
return application documents. Interview expenses will not be reimbursed.
Leipzig University aims to increase the proportion of women in positions of responsibility and therefore expressly invites qualified women to apply. Severely disabled persons – or persons deemed legally equal to
them under Book IX of the German Social Code – are encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
apam (30 mars 2023). PhD Position Religion in Turkey/Alevi Studies (deadline : April 15, 2023). APAMi. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse