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Call for applications – Fellowship – MESA Global Academy – (Deadline: May 1 2023)

The Global Academy Call for Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year
is now open!   

The MESA Global Academy offers competitive fellowships to Middle East Studies scholars from the MENA region who are currently displaced in North America.

The Global Academy awards $5,000 scholarships and facilitates programming for its fellows, including speaking engagements at partner universities across the United States, publication opportunities, mentoring, and professional development workshops. 

Eligibility criteria for the fellowships include: 1) holding a PhD or equivalent in a field in the social sciences or humanities (graduate students will not be considered); 2) the primary institutional affiliation was in the MENA region prior to displacement; and 3) a publication record indicating scholarly productivity (in English, French, a native MENA language, or principal research language of the field).

The deadline for applications is May 1, 2023. 
For more information and to apply, click here. 

The Global Academy now has its own Twitter feed and Facebook page. Follow us here and here.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
apam (2 avril 2023). Call for applications – Fellowship – MESA Global Academy – (Deadline: May 1 2023). APAMi. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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