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Université d’été : Arabic Codicology, the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection, Madrid

En juin 2019, l’université d’été de codicologie arabe: Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection aura lieu pour la sixième fois consécutive. Les cours sont dispensés par les professeurs Nuria de Castilla (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL Paris) et François Déroche (Collège de France, PSL, Paris).

Ils bénéficient également de la collaboration de M. José Luis del Valle Merino, directeur de la Bibliothèque royale du monastère de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Le cours est parrainé par la Commission européenne Research, Projet Saadian, vie intellectuelle et culturelle – SICLE 670628.

Abstract :

This leading program aims at providing with the knowledge and academic tools for the study and analysis of manuscripts in Arabic script, focusing on a practical approach. We have the privilege of attending the hands-on sessions at the Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (RBME), which hosts the most important collection of manuscripts in Arabic script in Spain and one of the most prominent in Europe. The course is designed for historians, art historians, philologists, documentary makers, antiquarians, curators, bibliophiles, conservation specialists, etc., preferably with a Master’s degree.

The Arabic Manuscript Collection of El Escorial (c. 2,000 codices) is composed mainly by the manuscripts that belonged to the Library of Sultan Mūlay Zaydān. These manuscripts were incorporated to the Library of Phillip III of Spain in 1612. This library is one of the few in of the Muslim world that keep virtually intact. It is considered the most important collection of Arabic manuscripts in Spain and one of the most relevant in Europe.
The course not only promotes the knowledge of the collection, but also the creation of international nets and the exchange of experiences among all the attendees. With an average of 100 applications per edition, the course has had attendees from the five continents. In the last edition, the course was attended by students from Argentina, Austria, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Singapore, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom and the United States of America.



Monday, 17 June 2019
10.30 h.  Nuria de Castilla
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, PLS. Paris                                                                     
Introduction. About the importance of the Codicological studies

11.00 h.   Break
12.00 h.   François DérocheCollège de France. Paris
                 Writing surfaces: parchment and paper.
16.00 h.   Nuria de Castilla
                  Writing surfaces II: Western paper
Tuesday, 18 June 2019 
09.30 h.   Nuria de Castilla
                 The basis of Codex Composition
11.30 h.   Break
12.00 h.   François Déroche
                  Inks and Layout
16.00 h.    José Luis del Valle. Director of the Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial library
                  The Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial and its manuscript collections
 17.00 h.   
Hands-on session: How to Observe and Describe an Arabic Manuscript
                  Nuria de Castilla and François Déroche 
Wednesday, 19 June 2019 
10.00 h.   Visit to the Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial
12.00 h.   François Déroche 
                 Arabic Paleography
16.00 h.   Hands-on sessionTowards a History of the Arabic Manuscript
                 Nuria de Castilla and François Déroche 
 Thursday, 20 June 2019  
09.30 h.   François Déroche
                 Decoration of manuscripts
11.30 h.   Break
12.00 h.   Nuria de Castilla and François Déroche
                 Arabic Bindings 
 16.00 h.  Hands-on session: Bookbinders at work
                 François Déroche and Nuria de Castilla 
Friday, 21 June 2019 
10.00 h.   François Déroche
                 Notes and Colophons. History of Manuscripts
12.30 h.   Closing session and diploma delivery 




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apam (8 avril 2019). Université d’été : Arabic Codicology, the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection, Madrid. APAMi. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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