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Recrutement : Contrat doctoral, Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature

L’Académie des sciences et des sciences humaines de Leipzig propose un contrat doctoral pour le projet de recherche Bibliotheca Arabica – Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature, à partir de janvier 2020.

Description du poste :

The Academy Project Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of
Arabic Literature is to combine a classic bio-bibliographical collection of the written tradition in Arabic in the manuscript age with the dimension of the tradition’s physical transmission and reception. To that end, the project aims to survey Arabic writings in a research platform that combines catalogue data of the existing manuscript heritage and the bibliographical tradition. Bibliotheca Arabica will enrich the data with an original and systematic collection of the countless notes found on the manuscripts left by owners, readers, endowers, et cetera, such as have hitherto been routinely neglected in bibliographical undertakings. The result will enable researchers to trace the transmission, dissemination, and reception of single works, an author’s oeuvre, specific manuscripts, or whole genres, as well as the reading or collecting habits of individuals or particular groups, and the production and availability of Arabic literature throughout different regions and times.


The successful applicant will work within the micro-historical sub-project Libraries between the Mamluk and Ottoman Era. He / she will pursue a PhD project on book history, the history of libraries and reading, and may concentrate on specific and focused case studies or explore broader questions on a trans-regional/ trans-epochal scale, yet always with manuscript notes as a major source of exploration. Besides this thesis, the job obligations will include the support of the project’s efforts to systematically collect and evaluate manuscript notes and bio bibliographical data from original as well as secondary sources. These will be curated by the candidate according to his / her specific expertise and entered into the project database.

• an MA or equivalent degree in Islamic Studies, Arabic philology or a cognate discipline;
• excellent knowledge of Arabic and preferably one other primary language of the Islamicate world;
• experience in work with Arabic manuscripts preferred, especially paleographical skills;
• proficiency in academic English as well as the ability to work with secondary literature in modern European languages;
• ability to work independently and in a team, with good organisational and communication skills.

The doctorate can be completed at Leipzig University or, by arrangement, in cooperation with another university. The successful candidate will agree to publish the result of their work in the Bibliotheca Arabica book series. He / she is expected to relocate to Leipzig. Women are particularly encouraged to apply and disabled applicants with adequate qualification will be preferentially considered.

Please send your application along with the usual supporting documents and a short letter of motivation (max. two A4 pages) by May 18, 2019 to Dr. Christian Winter, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Karl-TauchnitzStraße 1, 04107 Leipzig or by e-mail to:

For general information please contact Dr. Daniel Kinitz (


Plus d’informations : 


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
apam (9 avril 2019). Recrutement : Contrat doctoral, Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature. APAMi. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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