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Call for Papers -Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage in MENA, 7-8 March 2023, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (deadline : 15 December 2022)

Over the past few decades, the MENA region has been caught up in a succession of political upheavals, deep instability, and armed conflicts. The escalation of tension, and in some cases large-scale violence, in places such as, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen, have affected every single aspect of daily life, whether social, cultural, political, and economic. Cultural heritage sites, monuments, and museums have been severely damaged and looted; hundreds of thousands of people have been killed; millions uprooted and displaced; and decades of developmental progress have been reversed.

This vast scale of cultural heritage destruction over the past decade has created an urgent need for a critical conversation about, and interrogation of, reconstruction and recovery in the region. Reconstruction thinking has been spurred on in the past few years by regional and international efforts to rebuild war-affected heritage sites, monuments, and infrastructure, in historic cities and archaeological heritage sites such as, Aleppo, Mosul, and Palmyra. Whilst these examples have been subject of renewed research interest, the wider task of rebuilding entire cities and countries in MENA in the early 2020s faces the obstacle of lack of success stories of recovery. The conference contributes towards a comparative knowledge base on the obstacles to, and enablers of, heritage reconstruction, management of cultural resources, and recovery of societies in post-conflict MENA. It builds upon the growing academic research agenda that has produced timely and thought-provoking debates on the future of the heritage and culture in post-conflict societies in the region (Meskell 2018[1]; Munawar & Symonds 2022[2]; Newson & Young 2017[3]).

Those wishing to participate can submit papers on any of the following themes: protection and rebuilding of built heritage; cultural management in post-conflict settings; re-production and promotion of cultural memory; silenced and marginalized narratives and contested memories; reconciliation, transitional justice and prosecuting heritage criminals; impact of reconstruction on refugees and internal displacement; state and non-state agency in cultural management and national identity rebuilding; and planning and financing post-conflict reconstruction of cultural heritage.

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Call for papers -KESHIF e-Journal for Ottoman-Turkish  Micro Editions, The Institute for Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna (Deadline : December 5, 2022)

New Journal at the Institute for Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna 

KESHIF e-Journal for Ottoman-Turkish  Micro Editions

Keshif  is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to collecting and editing short, interesting Ottoman texts and providing easy, free access to the material through a database with good search functions.

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Call for Paper – Kadim (Deadline : August 15, 2022)

Kadim | ICI Journals Master List

Kadim is a peer-reviewed journal specializing in Ottoman studies. The journal, published twice a year (April and October), welcomes submissions for the fourth issue. It aims to provide an open-source academic platform for researchers worldwide to share their work in the field of Ottoman Studies. Kadim encourages a critical approach and aims to publish high-quality works of varied disciplines, thus contributing to the field’s expansion and development. We welcome original research articles, research notes, critical editions and translations of primary sources, book and conference reviews, dissertation abstracts, academic translations, interviews, biographical and bibliographical articles, and obituaries.

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Call for Papers – International Ottoman Studies Congress (OSARK), September 7-9, 2022, Istanbul (deadline : march, 15 april 2022)

Call for Papers

The first International Ottoman Studies Congress (OSARK) took place in Sakarya, Turkey, from October 14-17, 2015. The OSARK 2018 was held in Tirana, Albania, from October 17-20. We would like to inform you that the third OSARK will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from September 7-9, 2022, at Istanbul Medeniyet University. OSARK 2022 welcomes and encourages individual paper and thematic panel proposals within any field of Ottoman History.

OSARK’s Objective

OSARK primarily aims to contribute to the growing body of research on Ottoman History. It has an intention to provide a platform for researchers to discuss their findings and share knowledge in an environment open to interdisciplinarity and new approaches to the field.  OSARK 2022 aims to bring together diverse mainstream understandings and recent subfields and methodologies, such as digital humanities, ego studies and book culture.

 Ottoman historians have more distinct boundaries in their research than the historians of other fields in terms of time period and geography. Their sources and the ways of focusing and approaching them are more definite.  Besides, they tend to ignore related research fields to the interest of other disciplines such as art history, philology and others. One can say that the newly-emerged vitality, diversity and approaches in the field trigger a trend of polarization in the growing body of literature of Ottoman Studies. This fact has the potential to increase the number of interdisciplinary studies. Still, it has also led to an alienation of diverse fields and subfields by making following the knowledge and findings of each other complex. In this regard, OSARK 2022 aims to provide an interdisciplinary and comprehensive environment for discussing the recent studies in Ottoman history, presenting a perspective towards the future of studies in the field and contributing to the formation of a roadmap for Ottoman Studies.

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Call for papers – Sites of Encounter and Cultural Exchange, 5th Annual Edinburgh Graduate Studies Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies Conference (deadline : 30/06/2021)

The 5th Annual Edinburgh Graduate Studies Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies Conference: ‘Sites of Encounter and Cultural Exchange’

About this event

The Edinburgh Annual Postgraduate Late Antique, Byzantine, and Islamic Studies Conference has been running for the past five years, organised by postgraduates for postgraduates and early-career researchers. We welcome professional academics to present each year as keynote speakers. One of the primary intentions of the conference is to integrate the oft separated fields of Byzantine, Islamic, and Late Antique Studies, deconstructing arbitrary divisions in geography or chronology. We meticulously curate panels based on theme and approach, facilitating academic dialogue both within the aforementioned disciplines and between them. Such an approach has yielded excellent results in the past, with panel participants, panel hosts, and audience members working together to widen their understanding of crucial issues in these interwoven fields. The subject of the upcoming conference is:

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Call for Paper – Expanding Islamic Art Historiography: The 1873 Vienna World’s Fair Conference, November 12–13, 2021, University of Vienna, Deadline : 18 apr. 2021

CfP: This conference aims to look at the Vienna Fair as an intersection of processes and phenomena that contributed to Islamic art historiography. As the sesquicentennial is approaching, theconference will explore the Fair as spaces for exhibiting Islamic arts and architecture, for their commercial and artistic reception, and for setting scholarship in motion.

Looking through the lens of the Fair and investigating its making and impact reveals processes that contributed to perceiving and categorising, collecting and studying, institutionalising and commercialising Islamic art, within international, national, and local perspectives.

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Call for papers – IHSHG – Date limite : 15 avril 2021

IHSHG announces its first Call For Papers!

In this first edition, we are looking for research developed in social sciences; favouring studies in the areas of History, Archeology and Heritage studies. In order to encourage interdisciplinary approaches and youth participation, this call will not take on any main theme; we are open to any thematic suggestions. If you are selected, you will be invited to participate in our “Confabulating” project and, additionally, you will receive a certificate. Don’t miss the opportunity to submit and publicise your research; consult the regulations attached (PDF in english and portuguese) and give it a try!

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Call for Papers – Ties of Kingship abd the Early Islamic Empire, Leiden, 6-8 december 2021, date limite : 31 mars 2021

Ties of Kinship and the Early Islamic Empire

Leiden, 6-8 December 2021


Birth of Zal, from a copy of the Shahnama (TheMet collection, open-access)

We invite submissions for an international conference on the language of kinship in Islamic(ate) societies before the modern period (622–1500 CE). The Embedding Conquest (EmCo) team has been investigating the social, political, administrative, religious, and economic ties that sustained strategies and mechanics of protection and dependency in the early Islamic empire, contributing to shaping imperial rule under the Umayyads and the Abbasids. As part of our project, we study how writers and document producers expressed vertical and horizontal relationships, including the use of family terms. We now invite other researchers to join in our conversation focusing on relational ties that were expressed primarily through or as kinship. This international meeting will be a venue for presenting new studies about practices, categories, and discourses through which kinship might :

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Appel à communications – “Dreaming and ‘the Unseen’ in Africa and in Muslim Worlds”, 3 mai 2021 en ligne, date limite 10 mars 2021

Journée d’étude en ligne organisée par Amalia Dragani le 3 mai 2021 sur le thème Dreaming and « the Unseen » in Africa and in Muslim Worlds. Les propositions sont attendues pour le 10 mars 2021 au plus tard et sont à envoyer à Amalia Dragani (consulter l’appel).

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Call for Paper – 1st International Conference on Relic Studies – RelicS 2021

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est 60821790_1118109165056969_5799338728828698624_n-2-500x419-1-16-500x419.jpg.

November 24-27 2021

Call for Papers February 28th, 2021 

We have the pleasure to announce the 1st edition of the International Conference on Relic Studies – RelicS 2021 organized by CITAR in partnership with the HERCULES Laboratory of the University of Évora. It will take place at the School of Arts of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Portugal), between the 24th and 27th of November 2021.  The relic, as a physical, rare and valuable remnant of a lost or destroyed religious past, as well as of great spiritual and sensory value, is a vast and complex subject due to the multiplicity of research, conservation and valuation perspectives that it raises. Despite the diversity of studies on relics and their reliquaries, both national and international, the sharing of knowledge on this subject is scarce, focusing mainly on issues of historical and anthropological nature. Thus, RelicS 2021 aims to foster interdisciplinary cross-studies, projects, strategies and artistic practices based on multiple and multidisciplinary approaches. In 2021 we will have the opportunity to bring together different scientific areas, in order to foster discussion and share knowledge around a non-consensual and sensitive topic. We hope to see you in Porto in November 2021.

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Call for Papers : Society of Architectural Historians, 2021 Annual International Conference, April 14–18 2021, Montréal, Canada

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est 60821790_1118109165056969_5799338728828698624_n-2-500x419-1-16-500x419.jpg.

Society of Architectural Historians
2021 Annual International Conference
April 14–18 in Montréal, Canada

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Call for Papers for the International Workshop ‘Media Representations of Law and Justice: Middle Eastern Perspectives’

Submission deadline : 8 janvier 2020

The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the international and interdisciplinary Workshop ‘Media Representations of Law and Justice: Middle Eastern Perspectives’ in Germany at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig, 12 − 13 March 2020.

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Call for papers: Rethinking Narratives of China and the Middle East: The Silk Roads and Beyond – Center for East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia April 8th-10th, 2021

Abstracts are due on 21 January 2020

Please send abstracts (350 word limit) and a 1-page CV to this address by 11:59 PM EST Monday, January 21st, 2020

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Call for abstracts: The Fourth Annual International Conference on MENA Studies – March 28-29, 2020 Morocco 12/18/2019

Submissions are due January 30, 2020

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Appel à contributions – La récitation dans les premiers siècles de l’Islam (VIIᵉ‒IXᵉ siècles) Textes, modalités, enjeux – Idéo Le Caire, 29 juin‒2 juillet 2020

Conférencier d’honneur : Prof. Devin J. Stewart, Université d’Emory (Atlanta)

Dates limites 

  • 31 janvier 2020 (proposition d’une demi-page à envoyer
  • 15 mai 2020 (résumé de trois pages à envoyer à la même adresse, si votre proposition est acceptée).

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