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Call for Communication – “Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750). A thesaurus under discussion”, date limite 1er avril 2021

Deadline: April 1, 2021
Date: 7 September 2021
Place: Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Scientific Coordinators: Sophia Abplanalp, University of Vienna (, Borja Franco Llopis, UNED, Spain (, Fatih Parlak, Boğaziçi University, Turkey (, Mirko Sardelic, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, (, Antonio Urquízar-Herrera, UNED, Spain (

Abstract: Studying the relations between Christianity and Islam in late medieval and early modern Europe and the Mediterranean means to cover a vast geographical region, which is diverse in its languages and cultures. Against this background it is necessary to find a common ground that makes it possible to understand the exchange between these two cultures as one border-crossing phenomenon. To achieve this comprehensive understanding, it is necessary to identify overarching ideas and common terms that are widely used in this field of research. Some of these terms are used analogically or even equivalent in different languages, which emphasizes the fact that there were similar images circulating throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. Therefore, the aim of this project is to discuss each of the 5 below terms in the context of their historiographies and how they were shaped by then prevailing notions.

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