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Call for paper – 10th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Leiden University, Netherland, 21-25 August 2023 (deadline : 15 January 2023)

The Wulff Archive:  An Encyclopaedia of the Traditional Crafts, Technology, Science, Material Culture, and Art of Iran


  • Dr Mahroo Moosavi (University of Oxford, UK)
  • Dr Roxana Zenhari (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)
  • Professor Pedram Khosronejad (Powerhouse Museum/Western Sydney University, Australia)


Johannes Eberhard Wulff was born in 1907 in Westphalia, Germany. In 1936, he was given an official position to go to Iran at the request of Reza Shah Pahlavi the king of Iran (r.1925-1941), to plan and set up the first ever schools of technical engineering, as foreign aid of the German government to the Iranian government. The first technical college was established by Wulff in Shiraz in 1937, and it was during the official opening of this school that he received a royal order from Reza Shah, to collect the necessary data for the preparation of an encyclopaedia of the “Traditional Crafts, Technology, Science, Material Culture and Art of Persia”.

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