The 5th Annual Edinburgh Graduate Studies Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies Conference: ‘Sites of Encounter and Cultural Exchange’
About this event
The Edinburgh Annual Postgraduate Late Antique, Byzantine, and Islamic Studies Conference has been running for the past five years, organised by postgraduates for postgraduates and early-career researchers. We welcome professional academics to present each year as keynote speakers. One of the primary intentions of the conference is to integrate the oft separated fields of Byzantine, Islamic, and Late Antique Studies, deconstructing arbitrary divisions in geography or chronology. We meticulously curate panels based on theme and approach, facilitating academic dialogue both within the aforementioned disciplines and between them. Such an approach has yielded excellent results in the past, with panel participants, panel hosts, and audience members working together to widen their understanding of crucial issues in these interwoven fields. The subject of the upcoming conference is:
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