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Call for Papers -Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage in MENA, 7-8 March 2023, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (deadline : 15 December 2022)

Over the past few decades, the MENA region has been caught up in a succession of political upheavals, deep instability, and armed conflicts. The escalation of tension, and in some cases large-scale violence, in places such as, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen, have affected every single aspect of daily life, whether social, cultural, political, and economic. Cultural heritage sites, monuments, and museums have been severely damaged and looted; hundreds of thousands of people have been killed; millions uprooted and displaced; and decades of developmental progress have been reversed.

This vast scale of cultural heritage destruction over the past decade has created an urgent need for a critical conversation about, and interrogation of, reconstruction and recovery in the region. Reconstruction thinking has been spurred on in the past few years by regional and international efforts to rebuild war-affected heritage sites, monuments, and infrastructure, in historic cities and archaeological heritage sites such as, Aleppo, Mosul, and Palmyra. Whilst these examples have been subject of renewed research interest, the wider task of rebuilding entire cities and countries in MENA in the early 2020s faces the obstacle of lack of success stories of recovery. The conference contributes towards a comparative knowledge base on the obstacles to, and enablers of, heritage reconstruction, management of cultural resources, and recovery of societies in post-conflict MENA. It builds upon the growing academic research agenda that has produced timely and thought-provoking debates on the future of the heritage and culture in post-conflict societies in the region (Meskell 2018[1]; Munawar & Symonds 2022[2]; Newson & Young 2017[3]).

Those wishing to participate can submit papers on any of the following themes: protection and rebuilding of built heritage; cultural management in post-conflict settings; re-production and promotion of cultural memory; silenced and marginalized narratives and contested memories; reconciliation, transitional justice and prosecuting heritage criminals; impact of reconstruction on refugees and internal displacement; state and non-state agency in cultural management and national identity rebuilding; and planning and financing post-conflict reconstruction of cultural heritage.

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Call for Papers for the International Workshop ‘Media Representations of Law and Justice: Middle Eastern Perspectives’

Submission deadline : 8 janvier 2020

The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the international and interdisciplinary Workshop ‘Media Representations of Law and Justice: Middle Eastern Perspectives’ in Germany at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig, 12 − 13 March 2020.

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Appel à communication – Séminaire international “Espace(s) public(s) et esprit public dans le monde arabe et au Moyen-Orient”

Le séminaire est organisé à l’initiative du SIAS (Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University) à Tokyo et au Caire, le CEDEJ (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales), un centre français de recherches (CNRS-MEAE) basé au Caire et à Khartoum, avec le soutien de la Société japonaise pour la promotion de la science (JSPS, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) au Caire.
Il se déroulera durant deux ans de façon à consolider les échanges scientifiques entre les parties et participants qui sont invités à proposer une communication en 2020 ou 2021.
Ce séminaire s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche “Développement pluriel des sphères publiques et de l’éthique sociale au Moyen-Orient”. Des prolongements de ces échanges ainsi qu’une publication est attendue durant l’année finale à Tokyo. Il est ouvert aux chercheur.e.s, doctorant.e.s et masterant.e.s avancés.
Les chercheur.e.s intéressé.e.s doivent envoyer leur proposition aux trois adresses mentionnées ci-dessous avant le 10 janvier 2020 en envoyant un résumé de 3000 signes indiquant la problématique, méthodologie et des éléments de résultats.

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Call for papers: Rethinking Narratives of China and the Middle East: The Silk Roads and Beyond – Center for East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia April 8th-10th, 2021

Abstracts are due on 21 January 2020

Please send abstracts (350 word limit) and a 1-page CV to this address by 11:59 PM EST Monday, January 21st, 2020

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Call for abstracts: The Fourth Annual International Conference on MENA Studies – March 28-29, 2020 Morocco 12/18/2019

Submissions are due January 30, 2020

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Doctoral Research Fellowship in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies – Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk / IKOS), University of Oslo, Norway.

A Doctoral Research Fellowship in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk / IKOS) at the University of Oslo, Norway.

The applicant is asked to propose a project that enters the discursive field in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), with a particular focus on modern Iran and its transnational encounters. The applicant must be conversant in theories circulating in Middle Eastern studies. The applicant must have proven language competency in either Persian or Arabic, preferably Persian. Knowledge of both is an added advantage. The project may take a specific case study within the region and/or explore circulation of ideas and products across national boundaries. The resulting dissertation is expected to contribute to the field of gender studies as it intersects with capital, race, class, culture, sexuality and/or knowledge via the MENA region and through its geographic and symbolic location. The project will be supervised by Associate Professor Kristin Soraya Batmanghelichi.

Informations and application here

Evénement de lancement Manazir – 26 octobre 2019, 14h, Bern, Suisse (Bernisches Historisches Museum)

Pour marquer sa création officielle, Manazir, première plateforme suisse d’étude des arts visuels, de l’architecture et du patrimoine dans la région MENA, sera lancée lors d’un événement de lancement à Berne, en Suisse.

A cette occasion, Dr. Stefan Weber, directeur du musée d’art islamique au musée Pergame de Berlin, donnera une conférence publique dans le hall oriental du musée historique de Bern, qui abrite la collection Henri Moser.

La création de Manazir offre aux chercheurs et aux professionnels la possibilité d’échanger et de partager des connaissances via sa plateforme. Nous avons le plaisir d’inviter toutes les personnes intéressées à assister à cet événement spécial.

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