The KRC offers severals types of lectures
Teaching staff involved in this term’s lectures – Professor Alain George, Professor Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay, Dr Umberto Bongianino, Dr Luke Treadwell, Dr Teresa Fitzherbert
Introduction to Islamic Art & Architecture
KRC lecture room, Tuesdays 15.00 – 17.00 hrs, Alain George, Umberto Bongianino, Luke Treadwell, Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay, and Teresa Fitzherbert
Week 1 (21 January): Fatimid Architecture and its Messages (Umberto Bongianino)
Week 2 (28 January): Images of Sovereignty from the Abbasids to the Seljuqs: The Evidence of the Coinage (Luke Treadwell)
Week 3 (4 February): The Seljuq Empire and its Legacy (Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay)
Week 4 (11 February): Figural Art and Manuscript Illustration in the Near East (Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay)
Week 5 (18 February): India from Early Islam to the Sultanates (Alain George)
Week 6 (25 February): The Arts under the Almoravids and Almohads (Umberto Bongianino)
Week 7 (3 March): Iran under Mongol Rule (Teresa Fitzherbert)
Week 8 (10 March): The Mamluk “Public Text”: Epigraphy and Calligraphy (Umberto Bongianino)
Approaches to Islamic Art & Architecture (Weeks 2,4,6,8)
KRC lecture room, Thursdays 14.00 – 16.00 hrs, Alain George, Umberto Bongianino, Luke Treadwell, and Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay
Week 2 (30 January): Museums and Collections (Luke Treadwell)
Week 4 (13 February): Islamic Aesthetics (Alain George)
Week 6 (27 February): Beauty and the Qur’an (Alain George)
Week 8 (12 March): Travellers’ Perceptions of the Built Environment (Umberto Bongianino and Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay)
KRC Research Seminars
KRC Lecture Room, Thursdays, 17:15-18:30 hrs
Convenor: Umberto Bongianino
Week 1 (23 January): Christian Sahner (St Cross College): New thoughts about the edict of Yazid II (ca. 723) and Palestinian iconoclasm
Week 2 (30 January): Nilay Özlü (KRC Barakat Postdoctoral Scholar): Displaying the Royal Collections of the Topkapi Palace: The Imperial Treasury, the Chamber of Sacred Relics, and the Ottoman Imperial Museum
Week 3 (6 February): Jeremy Johns (KRC, Wolfson College): How to create a new multicultural art form: the opus sectile Arabic verse inscriptions from Norman Sicily
Week 4 (13 February): Karin Scheper (Leiden University): In Search of Local Characteristics: Manuscript making in the Islamic world
Week 5 (20 February): Ronny Vollandt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich): Palimpsests from the Cairo Genizah and the Qubbat al-Khazna
Week 6 (27 February): Yusen Yu (Corpus Christi College): Ways of Viewing: Persianate Reception of Chinese Painting (15th to mid-16th Centuries)
Week 7 (5 March): Tom Nickson (Courtauld Institute): The Palace of Pedro I in Seville: Ornament and Epigraphy between Granada and Toledo
Week 8 (12 March): Atri Hatef Naiemi (KRC Barakat Postdoctoral Fellow): A Dialogue between Friends and Foes: Transcultural Interactions in Ilkhanid Capital Cities (1256-1335 AD)
More infos
The Khalili Research Centre
3 St John Street
Oxford, OX1 2LG
Tel. +44 (0)1865 278222