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Call for Papers – International Ottoman Studies Congress (OSARK), September 7-9, 2022, Istanbul (deadline : march, 15 april 2022)

Call for Papers

The first International Ottoman Studies Congress (OSARK) took place in Sakarya, Turkey, from October 14-17, 2015. The OSARK 2018 was held in Tirana, Albania, from October 17-20. We would like to inform you that the third OSARK will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from September 7-9, 2022, at Istanbul Medeniyet University. OSARK 2022 welcomes and encourages individual paper and thematic panel proposals within any field of Ottoman History.

OSARK’s Objective

OSARK primarily aims to contribute to the growing body of research on Ottoman History. It has an intention to provide a platform for researchers to discuss their findings and share knowledge in an environment open to interdisciplinarity and new approaches to the field.  OSARK 2022 aims to bring together diverse mainstream understandings and recent subfields and methodologies, such as digital humanities, ego studies and book culture.

 Ottoman historians have more distinct boundaries in their research than the historians of other fields in terms of time period and geography. Their sources and the ways of focusing and approaching them are more definite.  Besides, they tend to ignore related research fields to the interest of other disciplines such as art history, philology and others. One can say that the newly-emerged vitality, diversity and approaches in the field trigger a trend of polarization in the growing body of literature of Ottoman Studies. This fact has the potential to increase the number of interdisciplinary studies. Still, it has also led to an alienation of diverse fields and subfields by making following the knowledge and findings of each other complex. In this regard, OSARK 2022 aims to provide an interdisciplinary and comprehensive environment for discussing the recent studies in Ottoman history, presenting a perspective towards the future of studies in the field and contributing to the formation of a roadmap for Ottoman Studies.

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