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Call for Manuscripts – The Ottoman Empire and the World, I.B.Tauris/The British Institute (Ankara)

Series Editor:

Christopher Markiewicz, University of Birmingham, UK

Editorial Advisory Board:

  • Amila Buturović, York University, Canada
  • Emine Fetvacı, Boston University, USA
  • Joshua M. White, University of Virginia, USA
  • Stefan Winter, The Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

The Ottoman Empire sat at the crux between Asia, Africa, and Europe and connected systems of trade, politics, and culture across continents. It also contained diverse worlds within it through the many peoples, languages, and religions its imperial frame encompassed. These worlds of the Ottoman Empire informed the expanding horizons of the early modern period both through its internal dynamics and far-flung interactions.

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Call for Paper – Kadim (Deadline : August 15, 2022)

Kadim | ICI Journals Master List

Kadim is a peer-reviewed journal specializing in Ottoman studies. The journal, published twice a year (April and October), welcomes submissions for the fourth issue. It aims to provide an open-source academic platform for researchers worldwide to share their work in the field of Ottoman Studies. Kadim encourages a critical approach and aims to publish high-quality works of varied disciplines, thus contributing to the field’s expansion and development. We welcome original research articles, research notes, critical editions and translations of primary sources, book and conference reviews, dissertation abstracts, academic translations, interviews, biographical and bibliographical articles, and obituaries.

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Call for Applications – GTOT 2023 Awards for Outstanding Theses and Dissertations in the Field of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (deadline : 31 December 2022)

GTOT 2023 Awards for Outstanding Theses and Dissertations in the Field of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies

For the third time, the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) is awarding the GTOT Prize for Outstanding Theses in the Fields of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish studies to junior researchers.

The authors of the top three M.A. theses will receive 500 Euros each; the best dissertation will be awarded 1,000 Euros. Abstracts of the awarded works will be published in Diyâr. Journal for Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies.
Application requirements

Anyone who completed his or her thesis/dissertation in the fields of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish studies between 1 May 2020 and 21 December 2022 is eligible to apply. Theses in German, English and French from all European and Turkish Universities are accepted.

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Call for Submissions – 2022 OTSA Awards and Prizes (different deadlines : April 15, 2022 / June 15, 2022 / May 31, 2022 / June 27, 2022)

About Us Gallery

The Ottoman and Turkish Studies (OTSA) is pleased to announce its annual award and prize competitions for 2022. Eight award competitions are listed in this announcement, the last three of which are administered by the American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages (AATT). Please read the instructions for each carefully, noting the deadlines and details for the submission of materials. OTSA encourages scholars and students to apply for awards, and invites teachers to encourage their students to apply as well!

Continuer la lecture de « Call for Submissions – 2022 OTSA Awards and Prizes (different deadlines : April 15, 2022 / June 15, 2022 / May 31, 2022 / June 27, 2022) »

Appel à participation – 17th International Congress of Turkish Art, 18-21 sept. 2023, Varsovie (date limite 10 nov. 2021)

We are pleased to announce that the 17th International Congress of Turkish Art will be held between the 18th of September and 21 st of October 2023 in Warsaw, at the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III in Wilanów and the University of Warsaw.
It is an honour for us to organize it in the year of the centenary of the Republic of Turkey.

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Conférence – Displaying the Royal Collections of the Topkapi Palace: The Imperial Treasury, the Chamber of Sacred Relics, and the Ottoman Imperial Museum – 30 January 17:15 Nilay Özlü (KRC Barakat Postdoctoral Scholar)

KRC Research Seminars
KRC Lecture Room, Thursdays, 17:15-18:30 hrs
Convenor: Umberto Bongianino

This presentation will discuss the politics of collecting and display in the late Ottoman context and will focus on different collections that were held and displayed at three royal pavilions in the Topkapi Palace: The Fatih Kiosk, the Privy Chamber, and the Tiled Pavilion. The functions of all three pavilions, originally built by Mehmed II (the Conqueror) in the 15th century, have changed within centuries and they ended up housing various royal collections and treasuries. By the 19th century, these pavilions –and the collections within– were being visited by diverse audiences; and different display techniques were adopted that conveyed multiple narratives of modernity, tradition, heritage, dynastic continuity, and authority.

The Khalili Research Centre
3 St John Street
Oxford, OX1 2LG
Tel. +44 (0)1865 278222

More infos

Séminaire – L’architecture maghrébine à l’époque ottomane – Conférences de Ahmed SAADAOUI, professeur à l’Université de la Manouba (Tunisie). 9, 13, 16 janvier 2020

9, 13, 16 janvier 2020
INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris et, Sorbonne, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris

Plus d’infos ici

Call for papers: 2nd mid-atlantic Ottoman studies workshop – March 27-29, 2020 – New-York University Ottoman & Turkish studies center

The theme of the workshop at NYU in 2020 will be “Global Ottoman Empire,” emphasizing the connectivity not only between the Ottoman Empire and the surrounding polities, but also among communities, individuals, and many other groups within and beyond its imperial boundaries.

Please submit an abstract (max 300 words) via e-mail to by January 10, 2020 5:00pm. We request that you submit your abstracts with the following email subject title: “MAOW 2020 Abstract Submission”

More infos here