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Call for Prize Nominations –The Bruce D. Craig Prize for Mamluk Studies (Deadline : March 30th 2023)

The editors of Mamlūk Studies Review invite submissions for:

The Bruce D. Craig Prize for Mamluk Studies

The Bruce D. Craig Prize, carrying a cash award of $1,000, is given annually by Mamlūk Studies Review for the best dissertation on a topic substantially focused on the Mamluk Sultanate submitted in English to any university during the preceding calendar year [note the expansion of eligibility]. In the event no dissertations are submitted, or none is deemed to merit the prize, no prize will be awarded.

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Call for Prize Nominations – L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize in North African Studies for 2023 (Deadline: March 31, 2023)

The American Institute for Maghrib Studies 
announces the L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize in North African Studies for 2023
Submission deadline: March 31, 2023 

Established in 2013, the L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize is awarded annually to the outstanding book in the area of North African studies. The winning work reflects the innovative intellectual achievements in North African studies exemplified by Garrett Professor in Foreign Affairs and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, L. Carl Brown. The prize carries an honorarium of $500.00. No cash prize offered for honorable mention. The winner will be invited to give a brief presentation at the annual AIMS business meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).

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Prix – Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize

Every year the Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) sponsors a competition and awards the Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize for the best unpublished essay written by a junior scholar (pre-dissertation graduate student to three years after the Ph.D. degree) on any aspect of Islamic visual culture.

Deadline : November 15, 2019.

More informations here