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Call for Manuscripts – The Ottoman Empire and the World, I.B.Tauris/The British Institute (Ankara)

Series Editor:

Christopher Markiewicz, University of Birmingham, UK

Editorial Advisory Board:

  • Amila Buturović, York University, Canada
  • Emine Fetvacı, Boston University, USA
  • Joshua M. White, University of Virginia, USA
  • Stefan Winter, The Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

The Ottoman Empire sat at the crux between Asia, Africa, and Europe and connected systems of trade, politics, and culture across continents. It also contained diverse worlds within it through the many peoples, languages, and religions its imperial frame encompassed. These worlds of the Ottoman Empire informed the expanding horizons of the early modern period both through its internal dynamics and far-flung interactions.

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Séjour : AlKauthar Institut organise un voyage d’initiation à l’histoire ottomane à Istanbul en décembre 2019

Continuer la lecture de « Séjour : AlKauthar Institut organise un voyage d’initiation à l’histoire ottomane à Istanbul en décembre 2019 »