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Call for papers -Spiced Islam and Textual Circulations: India, Indonesia and the Indian Ocean

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta - Wikipedia

Prof. Jajat Burhanuddin and Mahmood Kooria are organizing an international conference at UIN Jakarta in Indonesia on 28-29 November 2022 on Islamic connections between India and Indonesia across the Indian Ocean world. As a first step in what is going to be long-term conversations between colleagues and institutions from both the countries and the broader academia, the inaugural session focuses on textual circulations between both subcontinents. We aim for the event to be a transdisciplinary platform and therefore invite papers from historians, philologists, anthropologists, scholars of religions and regions and others whose research is related to the Islamic interactions between South and Southeast Asia with an emphasis on the role of texts in the socio-cultural transformations.

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