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Call for applications – Western Ottomanists’ Workshop 2022 at UCLA (November 18-19 2022) – Deadline : August 1, 2022)

Université de Californie à Los Angeles — Wikipédia

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) will be hosting the Western Ottomanists’ Workshop (WOW) in person on November 18-19, 2022(Friday Saturday) Some panels will be available for Zoom participation. WOW 2022 organizers encourage interested graduate students with works in progress to apply for this workshop using this Google Form. Funding for travel and accommodation is available for graduate students. Graduate applicants who need funding should follow the instructions in the form to be considered for funding.

Faculty members, instructors, adjuncts and independent scholars interested to attend should also get in touch using the Google Form; we would love to welcome you in person!

The deadline for applications and RSVPs is August 1st 2022.

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Call for paper – Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies, Londres, 6-8 October 2022 (deadline : April 19, 2022)

Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies

Research workshop

Co-hosted by the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations and SOAS, University of London

6 to 8 October 2022

Aga Khan Centre, London & Online

This annual exploratory and informal workshop not only offers the opportunity to reflect on history writing in Arabic, but also invites contributors to explore more broadly how people relate to the past. We encourage contributions focused on methodologies, research agendas, and case studies related to Arabic in any region and in any period from the seventh century to the present.

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Call for paper – Travelling Matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean, Workshop, Haïfa, 8th September 2022 (deadline : april 10th 2022)

The workshop “Travelling matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean” intends to tackle objects as sources and subjects of the history of cross-cultural encounters in innovative ways. We intend to discuss a most diverse array of objects flowing in all directions and to concentrate on the “second-handedness” of displaced objects: how and why moving objects acquire new functions and new meanings, and with what consequences for the relations between the communities involved? These perspectives demand a broad chronology, extending from antiquity to the present-day, and for the intersection between different time frames, from the relatively narrow scale of individual objects being displaced across the Mediterranean to the much larger one of the histories of their reinterpretation and repurposing.

Continuer la lecture de « Call for paper – Travelling Matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean, Workshop, Haïfa, 8th September 2022 (deadline : april 10th 2022) »

Appel à communications – “Dreaming and ‘the Unseen’ in Africa and in Muslim Worlds”, 3 mai 2021 en ligne, date limite 10 mars 2021

Journée d’étude en ligne organisée par Amalia Dragani le 3 mai 2021 sur le thème Dreaming and « the Unseen » in Africa and in Muslim Worlds. Les propositions sont attendues pour le 10 mars 2021 au plus tard et sont à envoyer à Amalia Dragani (consulter l’appel).

Continuer la lecture de « Appel à communications – “Dreaming and ‘the Unseen’ in Africa and in Muslim Worlds”, 3 mai 2021 en ligne, date limite 10 mars 2021 »